A couple weeks back I saw a comment on Facebook by a woman named Grace, who had tried to give her sister Gail, who has suffered from mental illness her whole life, a Sticky book but it didn’t go so well.
Gail has always loved cats but as she got older, she lost her cats and had to go live in a care home. Gails depression and mental illness have caused a lot of scary moments for Grace, who from the sounds of it, has always looked out for her little sister.
Life is hard and we don’t always know what someone is going through but for whatever reason, Gail rejected the Sticky book from her sister. That is the point where I saw the comment. So Sticky and I got to work…

We sent Gail a package or rather Sticky did, with a note he wrote her, some books and some other goodies. We got this email last night from Grace.
“It’s amazing how something like a surprise package from Sticky could have the ability to bring a smile and light to my sister within her darkness…she was delighted to receive the gifts…the note, which right now the exact words are between her and Sticky, is the biggest thing she could relate to…she kept saying “I got a note directly from Sticky the Kitty, all written like he was talking to me like I use to do with my kitties, it was so sweet”. She had a tough day today and got the package this afternoon…she said “after having a bad day this came and I felt better, thank you”.
Chuck I would have not thought about the coloring book but you did…she told me she has been coloring ( of course I am thinking some grownup coloring books), nope, she colors in kids coloring books and you sent one with crayons! WOW! We ended our conversation by her saying “ I even got a Sticky coloring book with crayons!”…with excitement in her voice…
With tears in my eyes I say to you “thank you”, your action of compassion has been felt today in a very big way…my sister smiled and feels some happiness…Blessings

And THAT’S what we’re doing over here.

That’s what your book and t-shirt purchases are supporting, friends so thank you! You did, GOOD!

(I took a photo of that note cause I had a feeling it was going to be a good story.